font-family: "Helvetica", Arial, sans-serif;
In this style example, font-family is what we're changing. We're changing it to "Helvetica" with a fallback to "Arial" and a general family fallback of "sans-serif"
I've tried changing it to just one of the above and it looked the same for all three.
As soon as you put something in there that is invalid, it will make the font whatever your default font is in your browser.
You can change the font styling for ever element.
If you want to change the color of the font, you can do that by using:
"color:#fff;" or "color:white;" or "color:rgb(255,255,255);" or "color:rgba(255,255,255,255);"
and the old: "color:#ffffff" - full hex.
The difference in the above examples is roughly 0. but if you want to change the opacity, you'll want to use rgba, if you want to make sure the color is 100% web safe you should use full hex. #fff is a simplified version of the same thing, and is useful if you don't need to make a crazy color. I prefer using the full hex which is easy enough to get from Photoshop or any other half-decent painting/photo manipulation software.
Have fun!
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